Why PMO Directors and Executives Don’t see Eye-to-Eye; It has to do with metrics

Why PMO Directors and Executives Don’t see Eye-to-Eye; It has to do with metrics

PMO Heads often ask me the question “What metrics should I use to measure project and project management performance to help make the case for my PMO?” This is an important, and fair, question. Every PMO Head needs to be thinking about this. At ESI, our two global surveys of the Global State of the PMO show that PMO heads generally use two sets of metrics which I call  Level 1 and Level 2.   They are shown in the slides below which was part of a presentation I developed entitled “The Value of Project Management–It’s all about ROI” which I delivered in India to several audiences a while ago.   Executives, on the other hand, don’t measure their business using the above Level 1 metrics, and many rarely use any of the Level 2 metrics. Instead, they use what I call Level 3 metrics as shown here. Is it no wonder that so many PMOs go out of existence

See the article here:

Why PMO Directors and Executives Don’t see Eye-to-Eye; It has to do with metrics


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