How to set yourself up for success with a positive and empowering mindset

As you continue on your journey to become a better project manager and leader you may be considering which habits to kick and which habits to start embracing. But you are also aware that your good intentions – and new habits – may not stick.  In order to create a new habit and achieve your goals, you have to change from the inside out. You have to take control of your internal world so that your thoughts and feelings can positively influence your outer reality. The best way to do that is to  foster a positive and empowering mindset  that will allow you to pursue your goals without hesitation.  Let’s examine what this kind of empowering mindset looks like. I am in control and I choose my own responses The most empowering belief you can adapt is to know that you are in control and that you always have a choice. You choose your own beliefs, you choose what you want to focus on and you choose the decisions and the actions that you take. This is a very powerful belief system because it means that you take full responsibility for your actions without having to deflect blame onto others.

See the article here:

How to set yourself up for success with a positive and empowering mindset


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