Eric Jenett: The Man…..and the Award

Eric Jenett: The Man…..and the Award

Eric Jenett–a giant in our field Eric Jenett was a giant in our field. He was one of PMI’s five original founders, was PMI’s first Project Management Professional, a PMI Fellow, PMI’s President in 1971, Chairman in 1972 and Secretary from 1975 to 1976. He was also a founding member of the Houston Chapter as well as a thought-leader in the field. As evidence of this Eric went on to author more than 30 publications and presentations. Eric gave freely of his time to advocate for project management and to help build the world’s largest professional association of project managers. I met him once many years ago and chatted with him at a PMI conference. He didn’t know me from “Adam” as the old saying goes, but he spent a good bit of time talking to me.

Read this article:

Eric Jenett: The Man…..and the Award


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