EPC companies admit they didn’t invent project management and seek professional help.
Posted by lward on Feb 24, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers, Uncategorized | Comments Off
There’s a revolution going on, and it’s going on in the EPC industry: Engineering, Procurement and Construction. These are the companies that work on the “megaprojects,” the projects that run into the hundreds of millions, and yes, billions of dollars. Think, The Chunnel, the Big Dig, and bullet train systems in China and Japan as examples of such large, complex, and extremely costly projects. For many years EPC companies did project management their own way. In fact, they thought they invented project management (engineers and constructors have been long time users of the Critical Path Method.) These folks believed they knew it all and no one could possibly teach them anything new. But the EPC world has changed.
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EPC companies admit they didn’t invent project management and seek professional help.