As a PM are you on the human hamster wheel?

As a PM are you on the human hamster wheel?

We’ve all witnessed the poor hamster on his hamster wheel running furiously and literally going nowhere. Many people I’ve known through the years use this as an analogy for how they feel about certain projects they’ve worked on. Obviously, the message is that there is a lot of energy expended but ultimately it all leads nowhere. Well, I’d like to show you (literally) a different perspective of the human hamster wheel. In the Boiler Gallery in Brooklyn, New York there are two performance artists who are living on a 25-foot wheel made from wood, steel, and furniture. This 10-day event features Ward Shelley and Alex Schweder who are sharing two living unites arrayed over the hamster-wheel-like sculpture. Shelley’s on top and Schweder is on the bottom.

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As a PM are you on the human hamster wheel?


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