6 ways the PMO can become the hub of PM development
Posted by lward on May 23, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers, Uncategorized | Comments Off
PMO’s looking to increase their value proposition, which many need to do, can make a big impact by becoming the hub of professional development for the project and program managers in their organizations whether those folks report directly to them or not. Based on my work with PMOs in many different industries here are ways any PMO Head can make this happen. 1. Make a concerted effort to “own” the core competencies and skills profiles for project and program management If H.R. will not relinquish control, then make sure you work closely with them in this area. After all, if the right core skills are not defined, there is no basis for a structured and systematic approach to developing these professionals.
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6 ways the PMO can become the hub of PM development