The iron triangle and the triple constraints are outdated!
Posted by on Dec 3, 2021 in PMChat Bloggers, Uncategorized | Comments Off

If you are into project management you are probably familiar with the good old iron triangle which is how project management has traditionally measured the success of a project. It states that projects must be delivered to the triple constraints of time, cost and quality The iron triangle reflects the view that our role as project managers is to deliver the project to the customer’s specification (quality) within the agreed time and budgetary constraints, which to some extent is true. But what happens if we deliver a beautifully crafted product, system or device which meets all of the stated requirements , but which somehow ends up not being used the way it was intended, if at all? For the project team (or supplier) this could be seen as a successful delivery as the product met the customer’s stated requirements, but for the customer it is a failure because it didn’t produce any benefits. It did not add any value. In the new world of increased speed, complexity and a more-for-less ethos, we have to take a much boarder view and measure how good we are at adding value and doing the right thing for the client, the project, and for society in the short and long term. Not only is this value-added view the way to successful and sustainable project delivery, it is also the way for project managers to demonstrate their genius and to get to the next level.
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The iron triangle and the triple constraints are outdated!