Are you making any of these 10 project management mistakes?
Posted by on Oct 23, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers, Uncategorized | Comments Off

It is unfortunate that many project managers make basic mistakes and don’t put in place a solid foundation based on which the project can progress. This, amongst other factors, is preventing them from stepping up and becoming project leaders. Image courtesy of stockimages at Project leaders know that projects must be rooted in a logical and structured approach to delivery, as without it everything else falls apart. If we do not have a solid method for defining and controlling the project’s scope, benefits, deliverables, costs, quality, risks and responsibilities, the project is unlikely to be successful even if the project manager is excellent at leading and motivating people. It is true that people deliver projects, but processes support them in doing so. Below is a list of the most classic mistakes that project managers make when it comes to the more process-related aspect of the job. Are you guilty of making any of these mistakes too? 1. Not paying sufficient attention to the planning stages of the project ; being too eager to start building and developing without knowing what the end game is and how to get there is a classic mistake.
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Are you making any of these 10 project management mistakes?