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Political Savvy Applied – Part 2

If you remember from the Political Savvy – Applied OPMT , I had determined the strategic importance of connecting Jennifer and Will, two executives involved in my project. I sent Brad to get some time cleared on Jennifer’s calendar and called up the executive admin for Will and found a time that would work for him and for Deepak. Deepak is central to all of this, since it is his resources that need to do 70% of the development work on the solution. I was hoping to do two things: Get the face time between Will and Jennife r Gain executive support to reduce absenteeism at project meetings There are several people who have been pulled into this project from Will’s organization that I haven’t included in the OPMT map from the earlier post. I’ll need to add them, since they introduce a new dynamic into the situation. Will had some representatives from his team attending earlier project meetings. Several of those meetings ended in no-shows from key people in Will’s organization

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Political Savvy Applied – Part 2

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