Winter PM Webinars – The Project Management CV

Winter PM Webinars – The Project Management CV

Here’s a winter warmer for all you project management practitioners this December; how about learning more about creating a great project management CV in three one hour webinar sessions. Kicking off on Friday 6th December we’ll be hosting three one hour webinars over three consecutive Fridays in the run up to Christmas. The webinars focus on the three key areas of a project management CV; writing a great personal profile; key achievements and the career history section. With materials from our popular PM CV Workshops –  we’ll be sharing bite-sized practical advice that informs and motivates you to make changes that could see 2014 get off to a brilliant start. Each webinar costs just £10 – the price of a mince-pie, pint and bag of chestnuts Find out more about each session: Unique Selling Points Friday 6th December – 12.30pm to 1.30pm The ability to concisely and unambiguously state what makes you different from all other project management professionals is your U nique S elling P oint (USP).  You never know when an opportunity will arise for you to influence a decision maker and if not prepared you miss the opportunity of a lifetime. We help by de-cluttering your thinking to identify your true Unique Selling Point which is often different from what you initially feel is your USP.  Our understanding of your market enables us to cut through your offer to pinpoint the details that help you stand out from the crowd.


Winter PM Webinars – The Project Management CV


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