What will it take?
Posted by John Thorpe on Apr 11, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

Once again the underlying messages in the news and media this week are that UK Plc. is on the up. After the gloom of the “great recession” this is surely a welcome relief, though it would appear that ‘the workers’ are not yet convinced that the time is right to look for a new opportunity and kick start their careers. The good news: The latest Report on Jobs by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and KPMG LLP published this week (8/4/2022) reports that more employers are showing confidence by offering full-time roles rather than temp, fixed term or contract positions; and at the same time permanent salaries on offer have risen at the fastest rate since July 2007. This week we have also seen the IMF (International Monetary Fund) saying that the UK will grow 2.9% in 2014, up from their January estimate of 2.4%, and they expect growth of 2.5% in 2015. The BCC (British Chambers of Commerce) also joined in with projections that the second quarter, starting in April, will see GDP exceed the level seen at the start of 2008.
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