Top 10 Public Sector Project Management Headaches

Concerto works with over forty of the UK’s Local Authorities and through close working relationships understands some of the biggest frustrations public sector employees encounter. These are often encountered when running large projects across multiple departments and geographic boundaries, endeavouring to keeping cost under control, managing teams of people to complete the task at hand, and within the required time-scales. The correct use and configuration of good project management software helps to combat each of the ten headaches outlined below effectively, whilst achieving continuity of approach. It’s a turbulent time in the public sector; cost cutting and the constant strive to eradicate inefficiencies means councils are looking for ways to better manage projects, on time, in budget and with the correct level of resources. The Top 10 Headaches and how software helps: 1. Document management. The use of software allows the right people to access the correct version of the document at the right time.

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Top 10 Public Sector Project Management Headaches


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