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Earn PDU’s for #PMChat

When we started #PMCHat, we thought it would be great if Project Managers could earn PDU’s for participating. Well after a bit of research and a few phone calls to PMI, we are excited to announce that PMP’s are eligible to receive PDU’s under Category C: Self Directed Learning.

Category C Self Directed Learning:

Earn PDUs for self-directed learning activities which are individualized learning events involving personally conducted research or study. Learning may include informal activities such as:

  • reading articles, books, or instructional manuals;
  • watching videos, using interactive CD-ROMs,
  • Podcasts or other source material;
  • having formal discussions with colleagues, coworkers, clients or consultants;
  • being coached or mentored by a colleague, coworker or consultant (If you served as  coach or mentor to someone else, report that activity under the Volunteer Category)

Qualifying activities must be relevant to project management, project risk, project scheduling, or program management, meet a specified purpose, and use knowledgeable resources.


PDU Rule:

1 PDU is awarded for every 1 hour spent in a self-directed learning activity listed in this category. PDU restrictions for the Self-Directed Learning category are as follows:

  • PMP and PgMP credential holders can earn no more than 30 PDUs in the Self-Directed Learning category per cycle
  • PMI-SP and PMI-RMP credential holders can earn no more than 15 PDUs in the Self-Directed Learning category per cycle


Documentation required upon PMI audit/request:

Evidence supporting your reported learning project, including notes from and dates of discussion or reading Individuals will need to complete the PDU On-line Submission process or paper form to receive PDUs. 

To assist in the documentation, participants are encouraged to save a copy of the #PMChat to support their documentation. Current archives are available at TwapperKeeper and via RSS Feed. #PMChat will do our best to maintain a chat archive, but it is up to individuals to maintain documentation to support their self certification.



#PMChat cannot guarantee that self-certification PDU’s will be accepted by PMI as individual circumstances beyond our control such as level of participation in weekly #PMChats or accurate completion of self-certification documentation may prevent acceptance of self-certification PDUs.