The Project Management CV – Format and Layout

The Project Management CV – Format and Layout

In last week’s post we looked at the grammar and spelling aspects of the project management CV , this week I’m going to cover the format and ideal layout for a project management CV. CV Length Let’s get something cleared up straightaway – the CV length – it should be two or three pages maximum. It doesn’t matter if you have worked for 2 years or 25 years, the fact remains that people just don’t read long CVs so why put people off straightaway. The other angle to this is – as a project manager, if you can’t communicate clearly and concisely I’m concerned. A five or ten page CV tells me that you are not able to tell me what I want to know quickly – so what does that say for your project communications? CV Length again It’s really important that the CV is short – that’s why I want to convince you further to take action. The really important bits are the last 5-10 years of your career.

Read more here:

The Project Management CV – Format and Layout


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