The Importance of Prioritizing and Sizing Your Backlog for Agile Planning
Posted by on Sep 18, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

Prioritized and Sized Backlog For agile planning to work, you must have a prioritized and sized (estimated) backlog. A prioritized backlog is simply a list of work that needs to get done that is ordered by priority. Essentially, the work at the top of the list is the most important and should be done first. In many cases, customers have a difficult time prioritizing lists of features, however, this makes the prioritized backlog even more important to produce. Another requirement of this backlog is that each of the items must be sized, which is another way of saying that the item should have an estimate. The difference between sizing a backlog item and estimating it, however, is that Agile teams would much rather provide an estimate of the size of an item, using some arbitrary sizing scale than attempt to determine how many hours it will take them to complete the work. Prioritizing a backlog should be a very simple exercise.
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The Importance of Prioritizing and Sizing Your Backlog for Agile Planning