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Tag Archives: project-sponsor

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Today’s quiz question on project management is…

Let me set some context first before posing you a question around 150 of us were asked. I signed up for an APM webinar on Monday of this week (March 25) and along with around an audience of 150 listened to Martin Samphire and Andy Murray talk about Effective Governance of Change. It was a really worthwhile session and many … Read More > Read More »

Do you carry out a primary survey before starting a project?

By Alison Smith Last weekend I attended an essential first aid course run by St John’s Ambulance. Whilst it covered many life saving skills, as well as treating minor injuries, we initially spent some time discussing how you carry out a primary survey. Just to explain a little more; the idea is that if you come across a casualty, before … Read More > Read More »

Are you burning out your project managers?

She resigned. She said she was fed up working 70-80 hours a week. She had little work life balance. This was a story told to me by a friend. No she was not a project manager but I had listened to similar stories in the build up to Christmas. These stories came from project managers who were, in my words; … Read More > Read More »

Come on, let’s make it compulsory.

I had some interesting comments from Neil Walker on twitter recently. This was in response to a question I posed; should stakeholder management be compulsory for all projects. Neil said not unreasonably: “Is it not already? Stakeholder management is compulsory on all projects I have managed/directed.” He went on to say that it was like trying to navigate through the … Read More > Read More »

And Now a Word From Our Project Sponsor…

by Eileen Strider Project Sponsors often think their work is done once they anoint you project manager and provide a big idea, some money and some people. Why would they think otherwise? Maybe you think the same thing and prefer they stay out of your hair. Try asking yourself this question: What could a project sponsor do to help me and the project succeed, if asked? We once conducted a review for a project that was in deep trouble and heard the following story from a project manager and his two sponsors. Project Mind Reading Story The project manager was having trouble working with a key user who was leading part of the team. Read More »