The role of business analyst falls under many job descriptions. I talk to people all time that are business analysts, only they don’t know it. Maybe the have the job title of “technical writer” or “program manager”, but in reality, they are analyzing the business. Here are some signs you might be a business analyst.. If you create a weighted score card with evaluation criteria to select your next new car… If you ask “why” so many times that your peers start to talk to you like a two-year old… If you spend your time in line (queue) thinking of five better ways to do business and speed things up… If it takes you longer to document your BA history for the CBAP then you actually do working… If your partner is upset with you on their birthday and you suggest celebration requirements were ambiguous… If you visit a brewery and document the brewing process on a napkin… If you make a process flow chart for your trip to the supermarket… If you write down the proposal discussion with your parents about girl you love on a Visio diagram… If very few people know what you do, but you could add value to any company on the planet… If while standing in a single line you count the people in front of you and divide by the number of cashiers serving customers to figure estimated waiting time.. Do you want to join in the conversation? Visit the Business Analysis Times LinkedIn group! Printable PDF version Read More »
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Feed Subscription10 frases que arruinarán la reunión de arranque del proyecto
Desde Wrike en twitter y en su blog , propongo estas 10 frases que arruinarán la reunión de arranque del proyecto . La reunión de inicio del proyecto se parece mucho al proceso de afinar una banda de música antes de un concierto importante: permite establecer el tono adecuado y los elementos que aportarán al éxito de la empresa. El hecho real es que es importante la forma en la que se inicia el proyecto. En la reunión inicial, un par de frases descuidadas pueden desalentar y confundir al equipo. Para ayudar a evitar un arranque de proyecto desafortunado a continuación se muestra la lista de los anti-favoritos de todos los tiempos. 1. “No tenemos un plazo definido aún, pero tenemos que terminar esta iteración lo antes posible!” ¿Por qué no es bueno? Una encuesta reciente de Wrike mostró que el 54.6% de los empleados encuentra inspiración en las fechas claras. Así que incluso si no se tiene un plazo preciso para todo el proyecto, se sugiere tener fechas claras para cada uno de los hitos del proyecto. Read More »
Do you carry out a primary survey before starting a project?
By Alison Smith Last weekend I attended an essential first aid course run by St John’s Ambulance. Whilst it covered many life saving skills, as well as treating minor injuries, we initially spent some time discussing how you carry out a primary survey. Just to explain a little more; the idea is that if you come across a casualty, before … Read More > Read More »
And The Winners Are
The Academy Awards ceremony, otherwise known as The Oscars , was held on Sunday 24 February 2013. A night of glitz and glamour where gongs are given, speeches made and the occasional mishap occurs. On this same night another glittering star-studded Oscar ceremony took place – the virtual Project Management Oscars . To quote directly… “For The Third Year In a Row #pduOTD – PDU Of The Day ( tweeted their choices for 150 of the “Best of the Best PM BA Leadership & Agile/IT Twitter Users” & issued them PM Oscars throughout the day. Every 5 minutes @pduOTD gave out another #PM_Oscar to an amazing person or organization.” With sequins in place, lip gloss applied and acceptance speeches at the ready the Twitter community traversed the red carpet then waited with baited breath to see who would be honoured as Best of the Best. As Martin Chernenkoff and @pduOTD announced, one after another, an amazing list of talented knowledgeable #PM_Oscar winners I was heard to tweet “OMG, seriously?! WOW! Honoured, gosh”. To be awarded a prestigious PM Oscar by your peers and colleagues ‘For Excellence in International Project Fixing of Business IT Projects’ in the category Highlighting Project Management Field Experts , is a wonderful compliment. Read More »
How healthy are you (and your project)?
It has been a tough 6 weeks in the Rosenhead family. We have had our own (small) tsunami of illness. Firstly, my wife fell and broke her wrist, another relative contracted a serious virus, my daughter and I both contracted a chest infection and the list could be longer but I think you get the general drift! My own schedule … Read More > Read More »