So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

The last prize draw for the project management census has just been pulled from the hat – Chris Cantrell from Manchester has won an APM Introductory Certificate E-Learning for one year from QA . Looks like Chris will be doing some professional development this year! We’re now in the process of compiling the report – and on early sight, there’s some really fascinating insights yet again about the project management community. We will be sharing the Project Management Benchmark Report in early February with all those who took part. They will be receiving the information that allows them to gain a real insight into how organisations are hiring project management professionals; what the market rates are at the moment and what they can do to stand out from the crowd. Envious? There’s still a few days before we formally close the census – take part if you want in

Read this article:

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!


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