Q&A Project Management Careers: Talking Failure in Interviews

Q&A Project Management Careers: Talking Failure in Interviews

I have an interview coming up for an internal role in a different department; I obviously want to make a great impression but my current department has had some major project failures this year. Any advice on how I can use a potentially bad experience in an interview? If the project failures have been as high profile as you suggest there will be no doubt that the interviewers will be interested in finding out more about them. Questions on this will be very similar in theory to the “strengths and weakness” questions that are traditionally used in interviews. Everyone knows that people are not 100% perfect and must have some weaknesses; the same goes for projects. The key in this scenario is how you explain the failures and what you did or would do to counteract them if faced with a similar situation in the future.

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Q&A Project Management Careers: Talking Failure in Interviews


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