Project Communications with Michael Kaplan – Jul 26,2022
Posted by Robert Kelly on Jul 26, 2022 in PreGame Show | Comments Off
This week on #PMChat we are talking about Project Communications, with guest expert Michael Kaplan. Michael Kaplan is Founder and CEO of SoftPMO™, a New York-based consulting firm that specializes in improving execution and resource management. He is a recognized leader in program management and serves as an advisor and mentor to senior executives. He founded MAK CON LLC, a consulting firm specializing in large-scale program management, in 2002. In 2009, he re-launched the company as SoftPMO, incorporating MAK CON LLC’s tools and methodologies into a larger enterprise program management framework. In more than 20 years of practice, Michael has worked with several of the most successful organizations in the world, including Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, to help them achieve the full intent of their most urgent and critically important initiatives. Michael is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
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Project Communications with Michael Kaplan – Jul 26,2022