KPS is excited to host the #PMChat Pre-Game show from 11:30-11:45am (EST) each Friday. As with other KPS Chatter episodes, this is meant to be a 15-minute power session that add tremendous value to your day. Project Management Chat (#PMChat) is a weekly discussion hosted by Robert Kelly and Rob Prinzo, on Twitter, each Friday from 12-1pm (EST). The topics will focus on Project Management & Leaderships techniques, best practices, and so on. In addition to both Robs being named to the Top 10 Up & Coming Project Managers on Twitter, their partnership offers nearly 30 years of diverse experience to the #PMChat participants. To further add value to this platform, they will invite thought leaders from a range of project management and leadership arenas. This week, we will be joined by Michael Greer to discuss Project Closure & Lessons Learned
Continued here:
#PMChat Pre-Game Show: Closing Projects & Lessons Learned – Sep 30,2022