Lying in Interviews – Deception in Selection

Deception in Selection is a new book from Gower Publishing, in it, Max Eggert covers everything from body language of liars in interviewers through to the most dangerous of interviewees – the psychopath! With a third of job-seekers happy to lie their way through an interview to get the job, naturally I was intrigued to see what this book could tell me about what kinds of people lie and more importantly how to spot them. The book opens with some background on why interviewees choose to lie; what problems interviewers have in spotting them and of course what constitutes a lie in the first place. All interesting background which to me felt like a A level textbook on Psychology, which is not bad if this is an introduction to the area for you. The types of lies told – ten in total in the book – gives food for thought as well as tips for the interviewer in asking probing questions further to uncover the truth or lie. A large section of book is given over to body language – which again is easy to read and understand, in fact the whole book only took me a couple of hours to read. If you’re interested in social psychology this is a great introductory book to pick up and learn the basics quickly. There is also a chapter on the most dangerous interviewee – the psychopath, which to me whilst interesting in a pop culture kind of way, felt out-of-place in a book like this


Lying in Interviews – Deception in Selection