Is now the right time?

Is now the right time?

I’ve been around the country over the last 12 months delivering a presentation to APM members called Getting Ahead in Project Management (I’m also going to be doing it via webinar too soon ) I always get asked the question: What’s the market like for contract project management? Deciding to go contracting or freelance has become increasingly popular over the last few years. It’s a combination of things: Been working for an organisation for a while and now feel confident to move into freelancing. Been made redundant and started contracting whilst a permanent role comes up. Been working for an organisation for a while and fed up of no pay rise or development. Just fancy different challenges now Need more money…. Before making the move into contracting there are a whole host of things you can do to make sure you’re making all the right preparations, after all this is a massive change for some people and the more organised you are, the more confident you’ll feel about the move


Is now the right time?


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