Increase Your PM Interview Ratio
Posted by Lindsay Scott on Jan 24, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off
Earlier this week I gave a talk at APM’s Yorkshire branch on “Getting Ahead in Project Management”. It’s a presentation I’ve done a few times last year at various other branches and it’s interesting that the same questions come up at the end. These are the questions asked by people who don’t want to ask them out loud in front of the audience. I get that, some of the questions they asked, they think only applies to them or it’s too personal to share. In the presentation I talk about how the current worries from project practitioners (taken from the Arras People Benchmark Report), specifically the one where they’re concerned that they’re no longer getting interviews like they used to . I mention in the presentation that this will be down to your CV – pure and simple.
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Increase Your PM Interview Ratio