As a project management coach and facilitator I often come across project managers who find their workload overwhelming. They want to do a good job and don’t want to appear “weak” by saying no to more work. But in spite of working long hours, there is so much on their plate that only the most urgent requests get their attention. At the bottom of the pile are the more proactive and strategic activities that they never get around to. In the long run, it’s dissatisfying and overwhelming and can cause their projects to fail! If you recognise yourself in the above description, here are some tips: Asking for help is OK Fortunately there are several things you can do to improve the situation, but to reap the benefits you must be prepared to review your working patterns and even some of your beliefs. One of the beliefs that may be contributing to your overwhelm, is that ‘ we are weak if we ask for help’ . You may feel that it reflects badly on you if you are to push back or say no to an additional project.
See the original post:
How to manage a demanding workload