Fundamentals of Business Analysis from UC Irvine

Fundamentals of Business Analysis from UC Irvine

    Description:    From the website – Fundamentals of Business Analysis is a core course in the Business Analyst Certificate Program. This program focuses on the set of tasks and techniques a business analyst uses to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization, and to recommend solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals … Today, business analysis encompasses a set of well-defined skills and knowledge that combine traditional business topics with technical topics. This is because the solution to business problems often involves the implementation of some sort of technology-centered solution.” [“This is an extensive online course that includes videos, self-checks, and links to materials for further study. It is not a “loss leader” and you can expect to spend hours working through it. Good stuff!” – Mike G.] Link to Product Page: Publisher:      University of California, Irvine  – What Publisher is Selling:     Enrollment in other courses and programs of study in UC Irvine

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Fundamentals of Business Analysis from UC Irvine


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