Cloud-Based SaaS Delivers Better Support and Lower Expenses: Aberdeen Group Study | Workfront
Work teams have a way of getting stuck on the old standby work software. Unfortunately, this means that many teams continue trying to coordinate the work they do in on-premise solutions that aren’t the best at keeping data current or accessible to the group as a whole. Up until now, these solutions have hung onto their dominance because 1) they’ve already paid for them, 2) their teams are already trained on them, and 3) the potential for failed adoption of another tool scares them away from trying anything else – including the cloud-based SaaS solutions that could cure many of their work management issues.
Recently, a new study by the Aberdeen Group found that those enterprises who are venturing into cloud-based solutions are seeing real benefits that work teams just can’t ignore, including enhanced accessibility and collaboration, lower expenses, and markedly better user support than those seen with on-premise solutions. Some of the highlights include:
- Over one-third of respondents moved to a software subscription model because they saw greater value in it.
- Almost three out of five IT departments that deployed SaaS applications saw a reduction in application-related expenses.
- Almost one-third reported that cloud-based services helped them reduce capital expenses.
Other benefits mentioned in the study include enhanced sharing and collaboration capabilities and immediate access to the latest functionality. Derek E. Brink, CISSP, Vice President and Research Fellow, IT Security and IT GRC at Aberdeen commented:
“[C]loud-based applications that are easily accessible and highly available can help users be even more productive, while also making life easier for IT departments. This is a win/win scenario, if there ever was one.”
This study is just the latest in the ever-growing heap of literature in support of cloud-based SaaS as a much better alternative to the clunkier, and often more expensive on-premise applications that work teams cling to.
To learn how Workfront’s cloud-based solution has benefited Trek Bicycle’s worldwide team, view their case study.
Source: Cloud-Based SaaS Delivers Better Support and Lower Expenses: Aberdeen Group Study | Workfront