Ocho datos que se sugiere proporcionar al asignar trabajo al equipo
Posted by on Nov 11, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

Una de las responsabilidades básicas del Administrador de Proyectos es asignar el trabajo a los miembros del equipo. Sin embargo, algunos Administradores de Proyectos no siempre son claros en la descripción el trabajo a realizar y la persona que es responsable. Esto causa incertidumbre en el equipo y puede dar lugar a que algunas de las actividades se retrasen. De hecho, cuando se han manejado proyectos por un tiempo, es probable que se haya enfrentado esa situación. Por ejemplo, consultar a un miembro del equipo el estado de una tarea crítica y obtener como respuesta que no se dio cuenta de que estaba asignado a la actividad. Una buena manera de comprobar si las indicaciones y tareas son claras es preguntar a los miembros del equipo cuales son sus responsables a completar en las próximas dos semanas. Esto no es algo que tiene se tenga que hacer con cada miembro del equipo cada semana. Sin embargo, puede ser útil hacerlo de vez en cuando, sobre todo cuando una actividad crítica esta en camino, sólo para validar si se estan asignando actividades claramente
Read MorePersonas- Who Are You Building Those Features For?
Posted by on Nov 11, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

All people are different. In bazillion ways. Some are young, some – old. Highly educated or just in pre-school. Some like cats, others like dogs. Some have an iPhone, others use an Android phone.
Read More2 Quick Agile Myths- Busted?
Posted by on Nov 7, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

Agile Projects don’t use Project Managers It is true Scrum doesn’t discuss Project Managers – it focuses on the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team. Scrum is only one implementation of the agile principles (albeit probably the most well-known). Even though Scrum doesn’t call out the role of Project Management in its literature, it never states that you can’t have one. Project Managers typically have different responsibilities, such as budgeting, reporting, and portfolio management. These are all extremely important, especially in larger organizations, and experience project managers excel at these tasks. Project Managers are also a vital link in the communication and collaboration goals set forth in the agile values and principles.
Read More[Infographic] Why you should manage your Git or GitHub projects with TeamPulse?
Posted by on Nov 4, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off
![[Infographic] Why you should manage your Git or GitHub projects with TeamPulse?](https://pmchat.net/files/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ce44git-integration-infographic.sflb_-150x150-136x136.png)
Do you find it hard to track how development work in your Git or GitHub project is progressing? Is the development team tired of having to leave their IDEs to update their status of work? Planning and tracking your Git projects should be simpler than that. That is why we introduced TeamPulse R3 and integration with Git and GitHub repositories. Leveraging the integration with TeamPulse, you are now able to: Track code changes associated with TeamPulse work items Update TeamPulse work item status and log time through the Git commit comments And here is an awesome visual representation of the entire process: Try it yourself? Sign up for a 30 day free trial and check out all the other new features we have introduced with TeamPulse R3: REST API & .NET SDK End-user Personas Acceptance Criteria Pass/Fail Indicators Team Reports Task Templates
Read MoreThe Solution Is In There Somewhere
Posted by on Oct 30, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

When faced with a problem that could have multiple solutions, what do you do? There are plenty of resources available about problem solving yet like so many other things the zeal for which a technique or methodology is pursued or applied doesn’t always deliver the best or most appropriate results. And anyway, what’s wrong with the KISS (keep it simple stupid) approach? It’s very effective and can remove a plethora of bureaucracy. There are other benefits too, 4 of which I’ve explored further in this month’s article. Have a read and tell us how you go about uncovering and agreeing solutions to project challenges. Managers can be heard the world over decreeing ‘bring me solutions not problems’
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