Kelly Project Solutions – Our past few posts haven’t been the typical Project/Program Management speak you are used to hearing from the KPS Blog, but we feel they are inspiring, insightful and valuable to any entrepreneur and executive alike. At the end of the day, that is the goal of this blog anyway…to be inspiring and a source for valuable insight. After all, Project/Program Management encompasses so many aspects of business, entrepreneurship, and leadership that we must look to a number of sources for quality content to foster growth in such a diverse discipline. We hope you enjoy this last post recapping the recent Triangle Business Growth Expo . For us, it was a tremendous honor to hear Mr. David Murdock speak and answer questions about what motivates him, how he feels the US government is handling the current economy, and business strategy. Mr. Murdock currently has 60+ companies under his management, including Dole Foods in which he is Chairman. Mr. Murdock opened by sharing about his recent trip to China, in which he is working on a 50/50 partnership to address obesity and bring fresh fruits and vegetables back to that country. China called him for help. Sr.
A Billionaire Speaks…Yes, We Listened