Free PDF: Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics or Religion

Free PDF:  Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics or Religion

.. And Why You Should Look to the Clouds for Answers [I published this several years ago, just in time for the holidays. Decided to make it a regular seasonal “rerun.” I hope you enjoy it, share it with your more argumentative friends & relatives and remember to play nice at all those holiday parties! — MG] Do you find yourself facing a bunch of holiday parties with people whose political or religious perspectives might be drastically different from your own? Are you dreading those inevitable arguments?  This article provides some perspective on: The weird and wonderful  ways our political and religious views evolve,  including: The Happy Face Version The Waterfall Version Why we inevitably clash  when we try to argue about politics or religion Why it’s pointless to argue  about politics or religion How you might become an  amateur anthropologist  and try to  see into the “cloud” of personal experiences  that make up the other guy’s political or religious vision Specific suggestions and Challenges  for dealing with your next political or religious argument Click here to download the entire 9-page PDF (with 6 graphic illustrations). ( Note : This article, largely because of its several somewhat-complicated & whimsical graphics, didn’t seem to lend itself to the usual audio podcast or blog post.  The PDF file presents all these elements in a single, easy to read document. Hope you like it!) ==== Related ==== [YouTube Video] Curate Your Own News: Why & How The WORTH SHARING “Peace of Mind” Collection

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Free PDF: Why It’s Pointless to Argue About Politics or Religion


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