Project Management Around the World – A Kiwi’s View from Europe

Project Management Around the World – A Kiwi’s View from Europe

This post is part of the #PMFlashBlog initiative originally kick started by Shim Marom and taken forward into round two by Mark Phillipy , The Sensible PM. The twist this time is that readers will be taken on a 7 week journey as people involved in projects around the globe blog about project management where they live.  This topic posed a challenge for a number of reasons…  While I live in Italy I rarely work with Italian companies so it doesn’t make sense for me to write about project management in Italy. In Europe it’s common for projects to cross borders but each country and company is different. Some are very formal and structured, others use specific methodologies or have their own in-house ones, and then there are those with operations across numerous countries where they’re trying to achieve some sense of commonality within their projects yet at the same time remain flexible to local dynamics.  It’s not unusual for a project to be managed by someone in one country on behalf of an organisation in another for a customer in a 3 rd with a team spread across many others including different time zones and languages. The dynamics of these projects and business initiatives can mean soft skills outweigh the hard ones particularly when working with virtual teams. This is a situation which is very much the norm here in Europe. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing projects in Europe, the underlying fundamentals of project management are the same wherever you are in the world

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Project Management Around the World – A Kiwi’s View from Europe


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