The TeamPulse Roadmap for 2014
Posted by on Dec 12, 2021 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off

As 2013 is almost over, I thought I’d share details about some of our plans for 2014. With our first release for the year we will provide project managers and development managers with a high level view of product releases and features, so they can manage them more effectively. Then, we will focus our efforts on providing teams with features that will help them do more work with less effort. Below is a brief summary of some of the key features we will be releasing next year: R1 2014 Releases Management Scheduled for the middle of Q1 2014, this new functionality will help you plan and track you projects on a higher level. Manage Releases – gain complete visibility over the progress of your releases. See if you are going to meet the deadline, which are the items that are going to be late and more. In addition, thanks to the multi-project support offered by TeamPulse you will be able to get a unified view of the progress of releases from multiple projects
Taken from:
The TeamPulse Roadmap for 2014