KPS is excited to host the #PMChat Pre-Game show from 11:30-11:45am (EST) each Friday. This week we are talking sustainability with Ian Chambers. Ian, MBA (AGSM) conceived, developed and produced a Plan for the Planet based on his work with global corporations, government and the telecommunications industry over the last 20 years, by combining his unique insights into effective management with his parallel work on global sustainability. Project Management Chat (#PMChat) is a weekly discussion hosted by Robert Kelly and Rob Prinzo, on Twitter, each Friday from 12-1pm (EST). The topics will focus on Project Management & Leaderships techniques, best practices, and so on. In addition to both Robs being named to the Top 10 Up & Coming Project Managers on Twitter, their partnership offers nearly 30 years of diverse experience to the #PMChat participants. Join us for the Pre-Game show…it will be the most valuable 15 minutes of your week! Kelly Project Solutions | Project Management | Leadership | PMChat | PMO
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Plan for the Planet – Nov 09,2022