The Gorilla Coach: A book review of Coaching Agile Teams, by Lyssa Adkins

The Gorilla Coach: A book review of Coaching Agile Teams, by Lyssa Adkins

Coachin Agile Teams   “You’ve got to do something! We can’t keep going like this, the entire project is going to collapse in on itself.” Eric certainly had a way of getting my attention. I had instant visions of red project dashboards and burn down charts flat lining like a patient in the ER. Eric was one of the canaries on the project. There are always those certain team members that

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The Gorilla Coach: A book review of Coaching Agile Teams, by Lyssa Adkins


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  1. Gorilla coaching | Cheapart – […] The Gorilla Coach: A book review of Coaching Agile Teams, by …Coachin Agile Teams “You’ve got to do something! …