#PMChat Recap for Aug 19th
Posted by Rob Prinzo on Sep 6, 2022 in PMChat Bloggers | Comments Off
Originally posted by Robert Kelly on Kelly’s Contemplation August 22, 2022
If you regularly follow me on twitter or read this blog, you have certainly heard about the #PMChat that Rob Prinzo and I hosted this past Friday. Going into this first Twitterchat, Rob and I had no idea what to expect, but we have been blown away by the response…
“Thanks for inviting me to the #pmchat. Great stuff, SMART people! Have a good weekend!”
“It was fun! This was my first-ever Tweet Chat. Went very well and learned. Excellent use of time! Thanks for hosting it.”
“Thanks @rkelly976 & @robprinzo for an interesting #pmchat today. Great topic! Wish I’d had more time to participate. Next time!”
True to the social media landscape, we had participants from all over…Raleigh, Los Angeles, Denver, Lithuania and more. In case you missed it, I want to recap some of the highlights and share some details on this upcoming week’s sessions. Make sure you RSVP, as it is a great way to connect with other like-minded folks.
To start off the festivities, my firm Kelly Project Solutions hosted a ‘pre-game’ show via BlogTalkRadio to introduce Rob Prinzo, talk about his book “No Wishing Required“, a little about about why we started the chat and a few other items. The episode was only a 15 minute session meant to be quick hitting, value-added show that you can listen to at lunch, on your commute, etc. KPS will try to do these each week to discuss the topics and interview guest co-hosts for that week’s #PMChat. Additionally, KPS will use BlogTalkRadio to interview some of the brightest minds in Project/Portfolio Management & Leadership, so make sure you check back!
Question 1: Explain the difference between Project Management & Project Leadership?
- @Project_Mom: I’m not so sure -someone can be a project manager, but not necessarily be a good/great leader…
- @Project_World: You can manage by following all the right steps, but it takes leadership to inspire your team
- @RaeLogan:You manage process, you lead people. You have to do both well to have a successful project
- @Michael_Greer – There’s some overlap, but mgt. implies more nuts & bolts, while leadership has more visioning, inspiring, strategic alignment, etc.
- A great resource was shared by @jasonshaffner who said: We just re-read this Kotter article on Leadership vs. Mgmt http://t.co/rd3TXHX — applies in many ways to Projects
- @HELENSStudio also suggested a supplemental resource on this topic is @PamStanton’s book “The Project Whisperer“
- @RailComm_Paola: I like this statement: The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust (via the WSJ)
- @ColleenGarton Management is what you do. Leadership is who you are
Q2. Since most PM training is tactical. how does a PM build leadership skills?
- @sewah_kram: I believe leaders are born with that skill… Whether they exercise it or not is the question
- @jasonshaffner: IMHO, different projects can call for differing ratios of management (tactical) vs. leadership (strategic). & Pay attention to the talented leaders you encounter, figure out what they’re doing right, integrate into your approach.
- @HELENSStudio: read, read, read. Love @thisissethsblog – his insights cross platforms and applies to PM leadership too
- @Project_World: Nothing beats learning from experience! But also reading, finding a mentor, sharing w/others
- @irivera: unfortunately leadership and other soft skills are difficult to acquire in school. Just acquired learning from mistakes
Q3? Do you think most PM’s are aware of the need for leadership skills as it is often an issues in success or failure?
- @BRIDGE_Tech: We would argue “successful” PMs are aware of this need. =)
- @HELENSSTudio: A3: I think that comes with experience. PMI should have a ‘now this is how it really works’ next level of certification
- @Project_Mom: I think some PMs are very aware and work on it constantly whereas others may not realize this and work in a “bubble”.
- @michael_greer It took me a while to understand that my leadership “springs full grown” from my own “being-in-awe” of the team members & project
- @sewah_kram: Self awareness is always difficult… I have to think only some PMs are aware!
Q4 – Should leadership skills be evaluated in a choosing PM?
- @michael_greer I’d day “considered,” not evaluated. Too hard to evaluate.
- @Project_Mom: I believe it depends on the actual position itself -there can be so many different variations of PM responsibilities
- @HELENSStudio: its such a ‘soft skill’. go with intuition and how well rounded. Agree with @Michael_greer it would be hard to evaluate.
- @RaeLogan: I agree they should be “considered”- PM’s need the soft skills to help motivate team members to work together & be productive etc
Again, we want to thank everyone that helped ‘promote’ this #PMChat for the week/s leading up to the event. Your mentions, posts and retweets on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn were greatly appreciated. I am going to push my luck and ask that you continue to talk about the weekly chat on your networks. The real value comes from the experience and insight of the chats’ participants. So check out the invite for this week’s #PMChat in which the topic will be The Role of the Project Manager in Change Management and don’t forget to RSVP! By RSVP’ing you can see who else is attending and connect with some great folks!
One more thing…be prepared with a link to your site/blog, LinkedIn profile, etc as many people are doing some virtual networking after the show. A tremendous opportunity to share more about yourself!
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