In flop of H.P. TouchPad, don’t blame project management
7 days agoHP’s Touch Pad..shorter lifespan than the Kardashian marriage! H.P. launched the TouchPad in 2011 and just seven weeks later it killed it which, if you can believe it, is a shorter amount of time than Kim Kardashian was married to Kris Humphries! As professional project managers we could jump to all sorts of “project management” reasons as to why this product failed. We might think the requirements were incomplete, scope got out of hand, the estimates were bad, or that it lacked executive support. While these are all good educated guesses as to why projects “go south,” they have nothing to do with the TouchPad’s flop. Unfortunately, our industry seems to be dominated by those who tout project management as a panacea, a magic elixir, a management practice savior, that when practiced by the book, will solve just about any problem a corporation can throw at it. Attend any conference and just listen to the claims made by project management pundits regarding the value of what we do. It’s heady stuff, but gives the wrong impression to those inside-and outside-our profession.
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In flop of H.P. TouchPad, don’t blame project management