How to Create a Locally-Relevant Set of PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level

How to Create a Locally-Relevant Set of PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level

This article summarizes a process by which you can create a comprehensive, locally-relevant set of “ PM Job Tasks and Competencies Based on Job Level” that can serve as the foundation of your organization’s unique PM Job Model.  This, in turn, can be used as a powerful reference tool to guide the evolution of each project manager’s individual career, including helping structure performance evaluations, coaching, PM training and education, and HR initiatives related to PM and PM career development. The Steps to Follow Below, in a highly condensed form, are the steps to follow.   ( * Note: Some of these steps — those marked with an * — are discussed in greater detail, with links to helpful resources,  in my article/PDF titled  Do-It-Yourself PM Certification: How to Document Your Skills & Get the Credibility You’ve Earned without Jumping Through Someone Else’s Hoops ) Find a comprehensive list of generic PM skills (asapm, GAPPS, Prince2, PMBOK, etc.).* Study your chosen list of skills to be sure you understand the implications of each skill for PM job performance.* Edit this list and use it as the foundation to create your own, unique, comprehensive list of PM skills.* Contact project managers, supervisors, respected colleagues, experts, customers, or anyone who might help you refine and edit this list and ask them to provide detailed input.* (Consider using formal information gathering tools or processes such as those used to support a needs analysis, performance analysis, etc.) Summarize the annotated skills list and sequence them according to a logical progression that would reflect a PM career in your organization. Create a draft  PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level (See example below.) Share this draft with anyone who participated in Step 4 (above) and ask for their feedback, changes, etc. Revise and finalize your PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level  and begin integrating it into your a) PM performance evaluations, 2) PM coaching, 3) PM training and education and 4) related HR initiatives. Sample Table: PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level Below is a “genericized” table showing PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level .

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How to Create a Locally-Relevant Set of PM Job Tasks & Competencies Based on Job Level


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