
The Open Source Project Management Community

The Grand National of PM Careers

Next week I’m going to be hosting a table at the APMG Showcase in London. The sessions are planned for the morning and for this year’s Birds of a Feather session I’m going to be doing something a little different. A few months ago I presented at Project Challenge on the PPM Stakes – a project management career presentation based on the Grand National. The basic idea compared the famous horse race to that of a project practitioner facing the challenges of gaining a new job. It was all in there – the weighing in room, the jumps, the tumbles, The Chair* and the winning post. I’ll be putting the slideshow presentation up on the website soon but in the meantime a version will appear at the APMG Showcase. This time the jockeys at the table will have the opportunity to choose the course they want to run – and I’m going to attempt to get an agreement from the 12 practitioners around the table – a consensus – that they’re all happy to cover the areas on the chosen course.

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The Grand National of PM Careers

Category: PMChat Bloggers

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