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#PMChat Recap for November 4, 2022

After all the talk of certification and methodology, most people agree that Project Management comes down to people and relationships.  The best template and most comprehensive PPM tool on the market can not make up for poor communication, lack of trust, and contentious relationships on the project team.  In turn, the topic for #PMChat this past week was Project Team Personalties and our expert guest was Bernardo Tirado.


Bernardo is a Six Sigma Blackbelt, Certified Project Management Professional, and an Industrial Psychologist.  In addition to being a VP/COO of Global Capabilities for a Fortune 500 Investment Bank, he is the CEO and founder of the Project Box, an excellent resource for project managers.  He also has a column on Psychology called Digital Leaders, where he writes about Technology and Leadership.  In addition to joining us on the #PMChat Pre-Game Show, Bernardo also provided an additional podcast on this topic and several resources to assist in developing your skills in this space.  Lastly, Bernardo provided a special offer for the #PMChat community…Maximizing Project Success Through Human Performance for only $9.95!  (usually $49.95)


Lets get into the recap!


Q1 .What are common types of personalities that you encounter on a project team?

    @thePMObox A1: Alpha Males/Females in A Type organizations
  • @danalcraig A1: Any team will have leaders and followers. Those who only act when directed.
  • @JBC_PMP A1: The curmudgeon “it wont work, it will take to long, etc” and they always seem to be the ones the young team looks to
  • @michael_greer A1. Hot-shot expert contributors who tolerate management only if respected.
  • @quickstonesw A1: @JBC_PMP Yes! Those who spend more time deciding why things won’t work than how they can!
  • @danalcraig A1: Information hoarders
  • @JBC_PMP A:1 The micro-manager Product Manager who tries to tell engineering how to build the feature.


Q2. In your experience, how many project managers formally evaluate project team personalities and if so how?

  • @thePMObox A2: Not many. It’s a practice that should be done.
  • @danalcraig A2: I’ve rarely seen it done formally, like through testing for example. Oddly, that seems common in sales orgs but not in projects
  • @rkelly976 A2: Embarrassed to say…very rarely do I perform formal evals – sorry @thePMObox
  • @JBC_PMP A:1 I swear by the DISC profile system. It got me a job because I understood my interviewers. Works just as well with a program team
  • @Project_Mom @null A2: Not many do, but it also depends on your team. You may not need to formally do this if you always have the same team.
  • @UnlikeBefore #PMChat A2: Don’t usually have opportunity. Team usually predefined. Have to get in & get on with it & manage accordingly.
  • @irivera A2: There is usually no opportunity to know or evaluate the team before starting the project … should be done on the fly


Q3. How can different personalities be used to advance the project?

  • @stacy_pearson A3 – we need all sorts of people to get things done.
  • @irivera A3: the aggressive ones are the engine that drives the team, passives are usually good reviewers
  • @JBC_PMP A:3 Turn your curmudgeon into your supporter by engaging him and making him feel valued. Aikido project management.
  • @danalcraig A3: Face the ‘difficult’ ones head one. Don’t fall into trap of hoping or wishing they’ll get on board. Figure it out early/
  • @califgirl232 A3: Rally your STARS – Self directed action oriented ready to shine.
  • @PPMpractitioner A3 A good “balance” of personalities needed throughout. But balance moves during the lifecyle. Adjust accordingly to #project focus
  • @UnlikeBefore #PMChat A3: Adjust style for each pers type. Support those who need it. Don’t hamper others. Deal w/issues promptly & decisively.


Q4. How does the project managers personality fit into project success or failure?

  • @JBC_PMP A:4 if you don’t fit/work with your team you don’t have trut. no trust, no project. You have to be the one to adapt.
  • @califgirl232 A4: Listen, Engage, Adapt, Lead ..LEAD!
  • @PPMpractitioner A4 Once described to me as the head of the snake. Fast moving responsive projects need an “agile body”!
  • @Project_Mom @null A4: As a PM you must be the one willing to adjust and to motivate
  • @califgirl232 A4: You have to have self awareness and know yourself well to lead others. Situational, transformational leadership is best.
  • @UnlikeBefore #PMChat A4: PM must be able to recognise diff situations, shift & morph. Situational Leadership as @thePMObox said.


Don’t forget the entire #PMChat session can be viewed via Twapperkeeper


Join us this week, as #PMChat discusses Careers in Project Management with Lindsay Scott – Guest Blog Post will be published tomorrow!

About Robert Kelly

Managing Partner of KPS, Co-Founder of #PMChat, Author of Kelly’s Contemplation & Blessed husband/father of 3

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